In Class Presentation

Toni Morrison Presentation Reflection

Author: Toni Morrison (original name is Chloe Anthony Wofford)

Background information:

  • African American female writer, a Nobel prize winner, and was a professor at Princeton University.
  • Born in Lorain, Ohio on February 18, 1931.
  • Her childhood was tough; she and her family experienced violence and racial prejudice.
  • Her works are based on what she was taught and experienced from her childhood. Embracing her black heritage and grew up with a lot of African American beliefs and traditions i.e. story telling being.
  • Famous works include, “Beloved” and “The Bluest Eyes”


  • It’s an excerpt from her novel, “God Help The Child”
  • Published in February 9th, 2015.
  • Talk about the book a little:  a dark-skinned girl, Lula Ann Bridewell and her struggles and harsh life regarding on accepting for who she is.
  • The beginning of the excerpt-> family history.
  • The social context: racism was very much alive back in the days and how there was segregation, i.e “one bible reserved for negroes”
  • Main claim-> Portrays that there are many layers of racism even within the black community; this idea that even if you are black, the more darker you are automatically looked down upon; i.e the mom was embarrassed the moment she gave birth to her when she looked at the skin color.
  • Story is effective because it focuses on the harsh reality of racism in another level; something that’s not mentioned a lot, another element of racism. Story is very personal, yet harsh; written with emotion through a first-person narrative.


  1. What do you think is the meaning of the name “Sweetness”? Why do you think the mother wanted her daughter to call her that?
  2. Do you believe her justifications and the act of being tough on her daughter are valid and why?
  3. Why do you think the author compares her pride, knowing that her daughter is successful, to a peacock? What does that symbolize?
  4. Can you relate to story in the sense where else can you see this concept/ mentality that if you’re dark, you’ll have a harder time fitting in in society?


Overall, my presentation was average but definitely lacked enthusiasm. I had sufficient information on the author and the piece, but I could’ve paced myself as I didn’t talk for the whole 20 minutes. I did discuss one rhetorical term but could’ve elaborated and use more reason to support the information. The whole time I was anxious and didn’t prepare too well because I didn’t use a specific technique to engage my audience. Also, I could’ve participated in some questions and include my thoughts as I was planning to like for question four but didn’t share them due my nerves.

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